Bitstream Interpretation Library (BIL)
bil | |
PacketOpcode | Namespace for packet opcode constants |
RegisterAddress | Namespace for register address type |
V5CfgBlock | Namespace for Virtex-5 configuration block constants |
V5CfgColumn | Namespace for Virtex-5 configuration column constants |
DeviceID | Namespace for device ID type |
V5CommandCode | Namespace for Virtex-5 command code constants |
V5RegisterAddress | Namespace for Virtex-5 register address constants |
NetType | Namespace for net type constants |
XDLKeywords | Namespace for XDL keyword constants |
xdlparser_detail | |
TileTypeEx | |
XDLParserImp | Private XDL parser implementation |
PIPDirection | Namespace for PIP direction constants |
XDLRCKeywords | Namespace for XDLRC keyword constants |
xdlrcparser_detail | |
TileTypeEx | |
XDLRCParserImp | Private XDLRC parser implementation |
BitFileData | Models the contents of a Xilinx bit file |
Bitstream | Models a Virtex bitstream |
BuswidthPattern | A special pattern for buswidth detection |
DummyWord | A word of dummy data |
Packet | Abstract base class for packets in a bitstream |
PacketVisitor | Abstract visitor base class for bitstream packets |
SyncWord | A special synchronization word |
Type1Packet | A type 1 packet |
Type2Packet | Type 2 data packet |
V5BitstreamDeviceDetector | Visitor for determining target device type of a Virtex-5 bitstream |
V5BitstreamReader | Loads Virtex-5 bitstream raw data |
V5BitstreamSyntaxChecker | Visitor for checking syntax of a Virtex-5 bitstream |
V5BitstreamXMLWriter | Writes a Virtex-5 bitstream into XML |
V5PacketVisitor | Visitor base class for Virtex-5 bitstream packets |
CfgDecoder | Decodes configuration data by using a configuration data base |
V5AddressLayout | Configuration address layout of a Virtex-5 device |
V5AddressLayoutRegistry | A registry to hold and lookup V5AddressLayout instances |
V5CfgFrame | Holds a configuration frame of a Virtex-5 device |
V5Configuration | Configuration of a Virtex-5 device |
V5FrameAddress | Models an address in Virtex-5 configuration memory |
CfgExtractor | Extracts data from configuration |
V5CfgExtractor | Extracts data from a Virtex-5 configuration |
V5CfgTileMap | Holds V5CfgTileMapEntry instances for a grid of tiles |
V5CfgTileMapEntry | Denotes a tiles associated configuration data chunk |
CorrelationUnit | Holds a data unit for correlation |
Correlator | Correlates the data of a Design with its binary configuration data |
XDLExtractor | Extracts a list of correlation units from a XDL design |
DeviceRegistry | A registry associating device IDs with their names and vice versa |
CommandLineException | Exception for command line errors |
Exception | Base exception class |
IOException | Exception for I/O errors |
DeviceCfgDb | Holds a device's configuration bit mapping |
DeviceCfgDbFiller | Fills a DeviceCfgDb with initial data |
DeviceCfgDbStats | Prints statistics of a DeviceCfgDb |
PIPBitValue | The value of a PIPs associated configuration bits |
PIPControlSet | A set of interdependent PIPs |
TileTypeCfgDb | Holds configuration bit mapping of a tile type |
Register | Abstract base class for packet processor's registers |
RegisterLookup | A lookup table for registers |
V5CMDRegister | A register for executing commands |
V5CRCRegister | A register for doing cyclic redundancy checks |
V5FARRegister | A register holding a frame address |
V5FDRIRegister | A register for storing configuration data |
V5IDCODERegister | A register for setting/checking the target device type |
V5MFWRRegister | Register for use with bitstream compression |
V5PacketProcessor | Executes bitstreams in order to get their configuration data |
WordRegister | A standard register containing a 32 bit word |
StreamTokenizer | Reads data from a stream and returns it token by token |
XMLWriter | A simple XML stream writer |
Design | Models a XDL design |
Instance | Defines a XDL instance |
Net | Defines a XDL net |
PinRef | References a pin on a distinct primitive site |
PIPRef | References a PIP on a distinct tile |
XDLParser | Parser for XDL text file format |
Device | Models the topmost XDLRC entity |
Element | An element of a primitive |
Pin | A pin of a primitive |
PinWire | Attaches a tile wire to a pin of a primitive site |
PIP | A programmable interface point |
PrimitiveSite | A primitive site |
PrimitiveSiteType | Per TileType data of a primitive site |
PrimitiveType | A primitive type |
Tile | Per instance data of tiles |
TileType | Tile type data |
Wire | Describes a wire |
WireConnection | A connection to a wire on a tile |
XDLRCParser | Parser for XDLRC text file format |
TileLookup2D | A 2-dimensional lookup for tiles |
FrameOffsets | Describes the position of a chunk of data inside a frame |