Bitstream Interpretation Library (BIL)  0.1
Data provided with BIL

Device data

For processing bitstreams the BIL applications bit2xml, bitextract, and bitreverse need data about the target devices of the bitstreams. This data describes the different devices and their configuration addressing schemes, resources, configuration bit mappings, et cetera. It can be found in the data folder.

Though it can be recreated from scratch (by the applications v5data_gen, xdlrc_convert, v5cfgmap_gen, bitcorrelate, as well as the proper bitstreams, XDL designs, and XDLRC descriptions), it is included in BIL for simplicity (this holds at least for the included x86 BIL applications, as binary data files are not necessarily platform independent). Scripts for an automatic recreation are also available (see scripts folder).

Test data

BIL comes with an extensive test base (see test folder) that contains bitstreams and their corresponding XDL designs. For every bitstream the source ncd file is also present, so that these bitstreams and XDL designs can be recreated by using the Xilinx tools. The ncd files stem from one reference design (taken from Open Cores, see mkjpeg) synthesized for the respective target devices.

Also, the output of the BIL applications bit2xml, bitextract, bitreverse, and bitcorrelate when operated on that test data is included in the testbase (for quick reference and demonstration without the need to execute the applications). For performing these test runs on your own there are appropriate scripts in the scripts folder.